AI voice examples
Arlet plus
Adam CA
Alloy CA
Andrew CA
Brian CA
Echo CA
Language code: ca-ES
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Catalan is a Romance language spoken by about 9 million people as their first language, mainly in Catalonia, Valencia, and the Balearic Islands in Spain. Language code: ca-ES. It is also used as a second language by minority communities in nearby countries such as France and Italy. Catalan has a rich literary and cultural heritage and has been an official language in Catalonia since the 19th century.
Vowels. This language has eight vowel sounds. It includes five common vowels (a, e, i, o, u) found in many languages. Their sounds can vary depending on usage. There are also two closed-mid vowels: [e̞] and [o̞].
Stress. Unlike Spanish, where stress is usually on the second-last syllable, the pattern in Catalan is different and plays an important role in word meaning.
Consonants. The language contains a variety of consonant sounds. It features the 'l·l' sound, an interrupted "l", and the 'ny' sound, which is similar to Spanish "ñ".
Intervocalic Voicing: When placed between vowels, voiceless sounds (p, t, k) become voiced (b, d, g).
In developing speech synthesis for the Catalan language, we use advanced artificial intelligence and neural network technologies. This approach ensures clear pronunciation and accurately replicates natural speech patterns. The synthesis process makes converting written text into spoken word seamless.