API uputstvo za Tekst u Govor

, 30-11-2023

API je dostupan samo nakon što ste dopunili svoj račun.

JSON API glasovi https://speechgen.io/index.php?r=api/voices.

Postoje 2 opcije za sinhronizaciju teksta sa glasom dostupne preko API-a:

1 opcija - brza sinhronizacija kratkih tekstova.
2 opcija - postavljanje zadatka za sinhronizaciju.

1 opcija - brza sinhronizacija kratkih tekstova

Url za varijantu 1: https://speechgen.io/index.php?r=api/text

Tekst se šalje na API, dobijate odmah rezultate.

Ova opcija ima maksimalno ograničenje od 2000 karaktera. I takođe maksimum od 2 promene glasa. Ako se prekorače limiti, dobićete grešku (status = -1).

Format zahteva

$data = [ 'token'=>'SekretKeyInYourProfile', 'email'=>'yourMail@gmail.com', 'voice'=>'John', 'text'=>"Text for text to Speech", 'format'=>'mp3', 'speed'=>1.1, 'pitch'=>0.8, 'emotion'=>'good', ];

Obavezni parametri:

'token' - 'SekretKeyInYourProfile' 'email' - 'yourMail@gmail.com' 'voice' - 'Voice' 'text' - 'Text for text to Speech'

Optional parametersOpcioni parametri::

'format' - format of the resulting file, by default = mp3, possible values ( 'mp3', 'wav', 'ogg') 'speed' - playback speed, by default 1, (range from 0.1 to 2.0) 'pitch'- voice pitch, by default 0, (range from -20 to 20) 'emotion' - emotion of voice , by default 'good', possible values ( 'good', 'evil', 'neutral').

Emocija nije dostupna za sve glasove, pogledajte ovde.

Odgovor dolazi u JSON formatu:

{ "id":"4153594", "status":"0", "file":"result.mp3", "file_cors":"result_cors.mp3", "parts":"5", "parts_done":"2", "duration":"0", "format":"mp3", "error":"", "balans":"3331.2720000314", "cost":"0.06" }


"id" - unique voice ID "status" - current voiceover status. Available from 3 values: 0 - process 1 - completed successfully -1 - error "file" - audio file path, available if status= 1 "file_cors" - audio file path CORS "error" - error text, in the event of, if status = -1 "parts" - number of voiceovers "parts_done" - number of pieces completed "duration" - audio file duration in seconds, available if status = 1 "format" - audio file format "balans" - limit balance "cost" - voiceover costs. (is increased as the voice parts are dubbed)

Primer sinhronizacije kratkog teksta u PHP varijanti 1

$data = [ 'token' => '123456', 'email' => 'mail@mail.com', 'voice' => 'John', 'text' => "Text", 'format' => 'mp3', 'speed' => 1.1, 'pitch' => 0, 'emotion' => 'good', ]; $url = "https://speechgen.io/index.php?r=api/text"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); $response = curl_exec($ch); var_dump($response); $response = json_decode($response, true); if (curl_errno($ch)) { var_dump("Connection error with text recognition server, " . curl_error($ch)); } else { var_dump($response); if ($response["status"] == 1) { //Copy echo " ok " . $response["file"]; copy($response["file"], 'Filename.' . $response["format"]); } else { //Error, no voiceover possible echo $response["error"]; } } curl_close($ch);

Opcija 2 je postavljanje zadatka za sinhronizaciju teksta.

Url za opciju 2: https://speechgen.io/index.php?r=api/longtext

Korak 1: Tekst se šalje na API i dobija se jedinstveni identifikator glasa (id).
Korak 2:  Zahtevajte rezultat sinhronizacije slanjem identifikatora sinhronizacije (id).

Ova metoda nema ograničenja i omogućava sinhronizaciju teksta do 1,000,000 karaktera. Sinhronizacija se odvija po principu prioriteta (ko prvi dođe, prvi se uslužuje) i može trajati od 1 do nekoliko minuta, u zavisnosti od dužine teksta.

Format zahteva

$data = [ 'token'=>'SekretKeyInYourProfile', 'email'=>'yourMail@gmail.com', 'voice'=>'John', 'text'=>"Text", 'format'=>'mp3', 'speed'=>1.1, 'pitch'=>0.8, 'emotion'=>'good', ];

Mandatory parameters:

'token' - 'SekretKeyInYourProfile' 'email' - 'yourMail@gmail.com' 'voice' - 'Voice' 'text' - 'Text'

Optional parameters:

'format' - format of the resulting file, by default = mp3, possible values( 'mp3', 'wav', 'ogg') 'speed' - speed, by default 1, (range from 0.1 to 2.0) 'pitch'- voice pitch, by default 0, (range from -20 to 20) 'emotion' - emotional coloration, by default 'good', possible values ( 'good', 'evil', 'neutral').

Not available for all voices, look here.

The response comes in JSON:

{ "id":"4153594", "status":"0", "parts":"5", "parts_done":"0", "format":"mp3", "error":"", "balans":"3331.2720000314", "cost":"0.00" }


"id" - unique voice ID "status" - current voiceover status. Available from 2 values: 1 - task added successfully -1 - error "error" - error text, in case of, if status = -1 "parts" - number of voiceovers "parts_done" - number of pieces completed "format" - audio file format "balans" - the balance of the account limits "cost" - voiceover costs. ( is increased as the voice parts are dubbed)

Step 2. After creating a task and obtaining an identifier (id), a request must be sent to https://speechgen.io/index.php?r=api/result, to find out the result.

Request format

$data = [ 'token'=>'SekretKeyInYourProfile', 'email'=>'yourMail@gmail.com', 'id'=>4153594, ];

Mandatory parameters:

'token' - SekretKeyInYourProfile 'email' - yourMail@gmail.com 'id' - Unique voice ID obtained in step 1

The response comes in JSON:

{ "id":"4153594", "status":"0", "file":"result.mp3", "cuts":["result_1.mp3","result_2.mp3",...], "parts":"5", "parts_done":"0", "format":"mp3", "error":"", "balans":"3331.2720000314", "cost":"0.00" }


"id" - unique voice ID "status" - current voiceover status. Available from 3 values: 0 - in the midst of 1 - completed successfully -1 - error "file" - audio file path, available if status = 1 "error" - error text, in case of, if status = -1 "parts" - number of voiceovers "parts_done" - number of pieces completed "duration" - audio file duration in seconds, available if status = 1 "format" - audio file format "balans" - the balance of the account limits "cost" - voiceover costs. ( is increased as the voice parts are dubbed) "cuts" - Array of fragments, if the "cut" tag is used in the text

Example of a short test voiceover in PHP variant 2

//STEP 1 $data = [ 'token' => '123456', 'email' => 'mail@mail.com', 'voice' => 'John', 'text' => "Text", 'format' => 'mp3', 'speed' => 1.1, 'pitch' => 0, 'emotion' => 'good', ]; $url = "https://speechgen.io/index.php?r=api/longtext"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); $response = curl_exec($ch); var_dump($response); $response = json_decode($response, true); $resultId = 0; if (curl_errno($ch)) { var_dump("Error in connecting to the text recognition server, " . curl_error($ch)); } else { var_dump($response); if ($response["status"] == 1) { //Copy echo " ok " . $response["file"]; copy($response["file"], 'FileName.' . $response["format"]); } elseif ($response["status"] == 0) { //Remember the voice ID, and ask for the result later $resultId = $response["id"]; } else { //Error, no voiceover possible echo $response["error"]; } } curl_close($ch); //STEP 2 // Every minute we make a query-check of the result if($resultId){ $data = [ 'token'=>'123456', 'email'=>'mail@mail.com', 'id'=>$resultId, ]; $url = "https://speechgen.io/index.php?r=api/result"; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); $response = curl_exec($ch); var_dump($response); $response = json_decode($response,true); if (curl_errno($ch)) { var_dump("Error in connecting to the text recognition server, ".curl_error($ch)); }else{ var_dump($response); if($response["status"] == 1){ //Copy echo " ok ".$response["file"]; copy($response["file"], 'FileMane.' . $response["format"]); }elseif($response["status"] == 0){ //Not ready yet, we will ask for the result later echo "In process..."; }else{ //Error, no voiceover possible echo $response["error"]; } } curl_close($ch); }

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