Integrating Speechgen API with automation service

, 08-09-2024

Simplify Voice Content Creation: Integrating with This blog post guides you through integrating the automation service (formerly Integromat) with our neural network-based speech synthesis service, This integration allows for the automation of text-to-speech processes, making content creation easier and more efficient.

How It Works

We cover two methods based on the length of the text you want to convert to speech:

  1. For texts up to 2000 characters: This method involves a quick request and immediate receipt of the speech output. It's perfect for short texts that need to be converted quickly.

  2. For texts over 2000 characters: This method uses two requests. The first request sends the text with voice settings for conversion. The second request, which should be made no sooner than one minute later, retrieves the finished audio file. This approach ensures that longer texts are processed efficiently without overloading the system.

Why Use facilitates the automation of these processes without the need for deep technical knowledge. You can set up triggers to automatically start the text-to-speech process when certain conditions are met, such as the addition of new text to your CMS or database.

Getting Started

To begin with the integration, you'll need to familiarize yourself with our API. You can find all the necessary information, including documentation and FAQs, at API FAQ.

Full Video Guide

1. Short Text method

In this blogpost we’ll learn how to generate an Mp3 file from text using SpeechGen, then upload that Mp3 File to DropBox.

You can download and import the demo project json f shown in this blog and use it.

1. Requirements

2. Get your SpeechGen API Key

  1. Login to your profile
  2. Navigate to your profile
  3. Reveal and Copy your API Key. We’ll use it later.

Speechgen API Key

3. Create a new scenario

Login to & Click "Create a new scenario".

Create a new scenario

4. Add a new Module

Add a new Module

5. Select HTTP

Search for "HTTP" and select "HTTP" from the list of available modules.

Select HTTP from the list

6. Select Make a request

Select Make a request

7. Input URL

Input URL as

Then Click “Add parameter” to add Query params to our request

Input URL

8. Insert 3 more parameters

We need to input 4 parameters in total, so let’s add 3 more.

Add parameter 3 more

9. Input the required parameters

Input the required parameters

  • token = The API Token you copied from Step 2
  • email = The email associated with your SpeechGen account
  • voice = The exact name of the voice, you can choose the voice you like from the Full voices list and copy the name of the voice from there. JSON API voices
  • text = The text you want to turn into speech. For an example, I will paste such text: "A practical solution for creating voiceovers, e-learning materials, and advertising. Generate speech from text in multiple languages and accents. Customize the voice settings to meet specific needs".

10. Click on OK to save the changes

OK to save the changes

11. Run your scenario

Now it’s time to run and test your scenario.

Run your scenario

12. Click on the bubble

Click on this bubble to see the result of your request.

Click on the bubble

Focus on the output part, You’ll see ‘Data’.

You can see ‘file’ which’s the URL of the generated Mp3 file of our text

generated Mp3 file

If you navigate to this URL, you can play and download the Mp3 file.

To make the data from SpeechGen easily accessible by other modules, we can add another Module to our Scenario.

14. Add another module

Hover your mouse next to the first module we have, you’ll see a plus button, click on it

next  module

15. Select the 'JSON' option

Search for 'JSON' and select this option.

Select json

16. Choose Parse JSON

Then Select "Parse JSON" so we could export the data from SpeechGen into multiple variables we can use in our scenario.

Select Parse JSON

17. Input ‘Data’

Click here (JSON string) to input ‘Data’ from the previous HTTP module

Tnput Data

18. Click ‘Data’

Click ‘Data’ to add it to the field and click OK to save changes.

Click Data

19. Run Once

Click ‘Run Once’ to execute the Scenario.

Click Run Once to execute the Scenario

Select ‘Run Anyway’ to force Make to run the Scenario.

Run Anyway

This is because JSON shouldn’t be the last module in the scenario, since it transforms the data from another module and we’re not doing anything with that data, in this case we just want to see the data first, then decide what to do with it.

20. Click the bubble

Click the bubble above the JSON module to see the data we got.

Click the bubble above the JSON module

Now the data that was all under ‘Data’ is now in individual variables that we can use in the next modules…

You can also notice the ‘file’ variable that had the URL of the Generated Mp3 File which we’ll use in the next module.

Notice the file

Now let’s upload the generated Mp3 file to Dropbox, to do that we need to download the Mp3 file in this scenario first.

21. Add another HTTP Module to download the file

Add another HTTP Module

Select Get File so we could download the Mp3 File inside the Scenario.

Select Get File

Most modules only require the URL, but DropBox requires Direct input of actual file data.

22. Map the ‘file’ variable

Map the ‘file’ variable, which’s the URL we can use to get the file.

Map the file variable

23. DropBox module

Then we’ll add the DropBox module.

DropBox module

24. Select Upload file

Select Upload file

Choose the folder to save to inside your Dropbox, then Choose Map so we could change the name of the uploaded Mp3 File.


Make sure you add the ‘.mp3’ file extension at the end of the name, so it’d easier for Dropbox to recognize it as an Mp3 file you can play.

Mp3 file

After running the Scenario, we have the File uploaded to DropBox

The File uploaded to DropBox

Complete process for a 1-st method

A preview of the entire process

  1. HTTP: Generate the Audio from text using
  2. JSON: Parse the data we get from the SpeechGen API
  3. HTTP: Get binary data of the generated file
  4. Dropbox: Upload that data to Dropbox

2. Long Text method

Now, we’re utilizing SpeechGen’s Long text API to generate a Long TTS.

The second method is designed for texts longer than 2000 characters. Unlike the first method, which quickly converts short texts into speech, this approach involves two steps due to the processing time required for longer texts.

  1. Initial Request: You send the text with chosen voice settings to start the conversion process.
  2. Follow-up Request: After waiting for at least one minute, you make another request to retrieve the finished audio file. This delay ensures the system has enough time to process the longer text without any issues.

The main difference from the first method is the need for a second request due to the longer processing time. This method ensures efficient handling of extensive texts, making it suitable for creating longer audio content.

Then we’ll upload the file to Dropbox as a demo, but the options are endless on how you can use this TTS API.

You can download and import the demo blueprint for Long Texts json shown in this blog and use it.

1. Requirements

2. Get your SpeechGen API Key

  1. Login to your profile
  2. Navigate to your profile
  3. Reveal and Copy your API Key. We’ll use it later.

Speechgen API Key

3. Create a new scenario

Login to & Click "Create a new scenario".

Create a new scenario

4. Add a new Module

Add a new Module

5. Select HTTP

Search for "HTTP" and select "HTTP" from the list of available modules.

Select HTTP from the list

6. Select Make a request

Select Make a request

7. Input URL

Input URL as

Then Click “Add parameter” to add Query params to our request

Input URL

8. Input 4 parameters 

We need to input 4 parameters in total, so let’s add 3 more

Add parameter 3 more

9. Input the required parameters

Input the required parameters

  • token = The API Token you copied from Step 2
  • email = The email associated with your SpeechGen account from Step 2
  • voice = The exact name of the voice, you can choose the voice you like from the Full voices list and copy the name of the voice from there. JSON API voices
  • text = The text you want to turn into speech.

10. Click on OK to save the changes

11. Run

Now it’s time to run and test your scenario

Run your scenario

12. Click on the bubble

Click on this bubble to see the result of your request

Click on the bubble

Focus on the output part, You’ll see ‘Data’.

You can see ‘id’ which’s the ID of our request.

File ID

Now, To make the data from SpeechGen easily accessible by other modules, we can add another Module to our Scenario

13. Add another module

Hover your mouse next to the first module we have, you’ll see a plus button, click on it

next  module

14. Add JSON

The search for ‘JSON’ and select this option

Select json

Then Select Parse JSON so we could export the data from SpeechGen into multiple variables we can use in our scenario

Select Parse JSON

15. Input ‘Data’

Click here to input ‘Data’ from the previous HTTP module.

Tnput Data

16. Click ‘Data’

Click ‘Data’ to add it to the field and click OK to save changes.

Click Data

17. Run Once

Click Run Once to execute the Scenario.

Click Run Once to execute the Scenario

Select ‘Run Anyway’ to force Make to run the Scenario

Run Anyway

This is because JSON shouldn’t be the last module in the scenario, since it transforms the data from another module and we’re not doing anything with that data, in this case we just want to see the data first, then decide what to do with it.

18. Click the bubble

Click the bubble above the JSON module to see the data we got.

Click the bubble above the JSON module

Now the data that was all under ‘Data’ is now in individual variables that we can use in the next modules.

You can also notice the ‘ID’ variable which we’ll use in the next steps to Get our TTS File URL.


19. Add a SLEEP Module

Add a SLEEP Module to wait for the TTS to generate.


Click on the SLEEP

20. Set the SLEEP

Set the SLEEP Duration between 1-5 minutes (60-300 seconds).

Let’s make it 200 seconds for our demo.

Set the SLEEP Duration

Now let’s upload the generated Mp3 file to Dropbox, to do that we need to download the Mp3 file in this scenario first.

21. Add another HTTP Module

Add another HTTP Module to Get the Generated TTS.

Get the Generated TTS

Insert the necessary Parameters:

  • token = The API Token you copied from Step 2
  • email = The email associated with your SpeechGen account from Step 2
  • id = The id of the TTS from the first request [Parse JSON, step 2]

22. Mapping the id from the JSON module

Mapping the id from the JSON module

23. Get the data 

Run the scenario to get the data and add another Parse JSON module

Parse JSON module

Map ‘Data’ from the previous HTTP module.

23. Run the scenario one more time

Run the scenario one more time to get data from the last Parse JSON Module, then Add another HTTP Module to download the file.

Add another HTTP Module

24. Select ‘Get File’

Select ‘Get File’ so we could download the Mp3 File inside the Scenario.

Select Get File

Most modules only require the URL, but DropBox requires Direct input of actual file data

25. Map the ‘file’ variable

Map the ‘file’ variable, which’s the URL we can use to get the file

Map the file variable

26. Then we’ll add the DropBox module

DropBox module

27. Select Upload file

Select Upload file

Choose The folder to save to inside your Dropbox, then Choose Map so we could change the name of the uploaded Mp3 File


Make sure you add the ‘.mp3’ file extension at the end of the name, so it’d easier for Dropbox to recognize it as an Mp3 file you can play.

Mp3 file

After running the Scenario, we have the File uploaded to DropBox

The File uploaded to DropBox

Complete process for a 2-d method

Scheme of the process

  1. HTTP: Generate the Audio from text using
  2. JSON: Parse the data we get from the SpeechGen API
  3. SLEEP: Wait for a fews minutes until the TTS is ready
  4. HTTP: Request the mp3 file using it’s ID
  5. JSON: Parse the Data like we did before
  6. HTTP: Get binary data of the generated file
  7. Dropbox: Upload that data to Dropbox


Integrating with opens up vast possibilities for automating voice content creation. Automating speech synthesis can be useful for:

  • Creating audio versions of articles or blogs.
  • Generating voice notifications for customers.
  • Producing educational and training materials in audio format.
  • Enhancing customer service with voice responses.

Whether you're dealing with short notifications or lengthy educational materials, our guide will help you set up an efficient process with minimal effort. Transform your text into lively speech automatically, making your content more accessible and engaging for a wide audience.

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