Fraction - Pronouncing Fractions

, 05-09-2023

The "fraction" in SSML refers to the "interpret-as" attribute of the "say-as" element and directs the pronunciation of a number as a fraction.

Examples of usage in SSML

To pronounce "1/2" as "one half", see the example below:

<say-as interpret-as="fraction">1/2</say-as>


However, the listed voices can read any numeric notation with a slash as a fraction without needing the "fraction" tag.

The tag becomes necessary when you want to pronounce both the whole number and the fraction. For instance, if you wish to say "three and one half" with a robot, you would note it as:

<say-as interpret-as="fraction">3 1/2</say-as>



<say-as interpret-as="fraction">1/4</say-as> of an inch




Some voices don't support mixed numbers without the "+", like "3 1/2". Therefore, place a "+" between the whole number and the fraction if pronounced incorrectly.

<say-as interpret-as="fraction">2+1/2</say-as>



Areas of Application

  • Educational Materials: For explaining mathematical concepts and fractions.

  • Recipes: When ingredients need to be measured using fractions.

  • Construction and Engineering: Where precise measurements may require the use of fractions.

  • Finance and Economics: When discussing statistics, percentages, and proportions.

Without the use of the "fraction" tag in the mentioned contexts, a neural network might pronounce fractions incorrectly. This can mislead the listener or lead to semantic errors.


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