Text to Speech Taiwanese-accented Chinese

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  • YunJhe
  • HsiaoChen
  • HsiaoYu
  • Adam zh-TW
  • Andrew zh-TW
  • Brian zh-TW
  • Florian ZH TW
  • Ollie ZH
  • Remy zh-TW
  • Ryan TW

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Language code: cmn-TW

Chinese with a Taiwanese accent, often referred to as Taiwanese Mandarin, is characterized by unique pronunciation features that distinguish it from other Chinese dialects. Influenced significantly by the local languages of Taiwan, especially Hokkien, these features are evident in tone, syllable-final sounds, and certain phoneme differences.

Taiwanese-accented Chinese boasts unique pronunciation features, differentiating it from other Chinese dialects. It has a distinctive tonality, characterized by its use of five phonemic tones, which play a critical role in conveying meaning.

The third tone in Standard Mandarin, a low dipping tone, is often pronounced as a second tone (rising) or a half third tone (low) in Taiwanese, especially in more casual speech. Additionally, neutral tones are less common in Taiwanese Mandarin, which often assigns a full tone to syllables that would be neutral in Standard Mandarin. This specificity can be observed in text-to-speech synthesis, enhancing the authenticity of the generated voice.

Syllable-final sounds also exhibit distinct characteristics. For example, the "-n" and "-ng" finals in Standard Mandarin tend to merge in Taiwanese Mandarin, especially among younger speakers. In addition, the "-i," "-u," and "-ü" finals, when following an initial, often become "-ei," "-ou," and "-ün," respectively, akin to their pronunciations in English.

The pronunciation of certain phonemes also differs from its standard counterpart. One of the most apparent differences is the "sh," "ch," and "zh" sounds of Standard Mandarin being pronounced as "s," "c," and "z" in Taiwanese Mandarin.

These distinctive pronunciation features of Taiwanese-accented Chinese greatly influence the overall sound and rhythm of the language, creating a unique auditory experience for listeners and presenting an engaging challenge for text-to-speech synthesis.

SpeechGen, leveraging the power of advanced neural networks, takes text-to-speech conversion to the next level. It doesn't just generate voices; it creates an experience, immersing users in the authentic sound of Taiwanese-accented Chinese.

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